From The Blog

Be Genuine. Be YOU

The statement “be genuine” has really stuck with me the past few weeks. It first started when I received probably one of the best compliments ever! Side note my friends: Giving compliments is a wonderful thing. We should all compliment each other as often as we can. You feel good, and the other person feels …

Finding The Aloha Mindset

This adventure starts on the Island of Oahu in the beautiful state of Hawaii… Palm trees, sunshine and ocean waves. An absolute wonderful beginning.

I had only been on the island a couple days, and between unpacking and meeting new people I had not been able to much exploring on my own yet. So I took the afternoon, and went exploring by bicycle.

Ready to take in my new home. I was riding along and watching the ocean view in the corner of my eye when I found a small gift shop a few miles down the road. It was quaint shop, and full of beautiful handmade souvenirs. While in the shop there was a particular sign that caught my eye. A large wooden sign with hand painted decorative hibiscus flowers embroidering it. The words LIVING ALOHA were bold on the top. Surrounded with Hawaiian words, filling the entire sign.

The words read:


A- Akahai: kindness expressed with tenderness.
L-Lokahi: unity, expressed with harmony.
O-Olu’olu: agreeable, expressed with pleasantness.
H-Ha’ah’a: humility, expressed with modesty.
A- Ahonui: patience, expressed with perseverance.

I thought it was absolutely beautiful! The message was so positive and calming, especially for someone who had just flipped their world upside down and moved to Hawaii. I jotted it down in my phone, and planned to write the words down later in my journal. At that time I had no idea the impact it would have till months later.

First, to break down the message a little more, ‘Living Aloha” is ultimately kindness, humility, unity, peace and love. More than just a long list of words. I came to learn living Aloha is a way of life, or better yet a mindset.

A mindset that I have embraced, and really wanted to share with others. It has had such an impact on me while being on the island, that I had to do something to keep the Aloha vibe apart of me. Which is why I created a blog and how the name all came to be.

Over the last couple years, I have learned more of this mindset. The ways on how I have connected my mind and heart. Experiences that have led me to be in more harmony with myself. By doing so, my life has been filled with more love and peace than ever before. It has been too wonderful and rewarding not to want to share it.

I feel connected to the universe and want to share all the ways this mindset has changed me.

Living this way, allows me to be open and full of joy. My mind is clear and I am more aware of living the moment in gratitude. I believe my remarkable circumstances made me able to observe and take in the energy of the island. It gave me an opportunity to really take a step back and view of how I wanted to live my life. While being on the island there was just something special that captured my heart. It opened my eyes to wanting to live a more peaceful, vibrant, grateful and happy life.

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Hauula beach park

The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences with developing an Aloha Mindset. To share hopeful thoughts to others. I really believe we all have kindness, harmony and peace within us when we are searching for it. The life we lead, can attract this peace. It is my dream to share with everyone who is open on how to connect heart and mind so that we can all find peace with oneself.

Kahuna Nui Hale Kealohalani Makua  – Love all you see, including yourself.” — Hale Makua

Cue the happy music

I am engaged!! And more in love than I thought possible! Two years ago I never could imagine I would be where I’m at right now. So in love, and SO happy. Giddy about wedding details, and absolutely cannot stop looking at this sparkly new addition on my finger. More than just feeling in love, …

Just start

Do you ever over think something to the point where you don’t even know what your thinking about? Your mind goes numb and it feels as if your brain could melt!? Gosh dang, I feel like I do all the dang time! Letting my worrisome overbearing thoughts creep in. I have caught myself recently staring …

3 Glad Things

I started having some thoughts about “the little things” and a Disney classic I grew up watching came to mind …Pollyanna! If you haven’t seen it, here is a quick recap. The movie is about a little girl named Pollyanna. She goes away to live with her rich aunt after her parents die. Her aunt …